Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rushmore revisited

Wes Anderson's second feature is the first film in his flash and filigree threesome. I don't want to call it a trilogy although there's plenty of overlap, even on the excellent songlists. Anderson has a fondness for hoary back catalogue Rolling Stones songs like "2000 Man" and "She Smiled Sweetly". Rushmore has as much of the joy of looking as any beloved Scorcese or Michael Powell movie, from the Wellesian shot of Brian Cox peering from a medeival Rushmore Academy window to the Arbuslike dance of masked boys leaping magically from behind trees to pelt Max Fischer with dining hall offal. Anderson's next films has imagery that made me gasp - and another superb chamber punk soundtrack ( the only song missing is Mark Kozelek's "Summer Dress" -- but the filigree is loaded to the point of maximum saturation. As for The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, I enjoyed listening but don't want to see it again.

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