Sunday, August 7, 2011

rollin and tumblrin

   Both of my loyal reasders are probably aware of my new scamperings on tumblr, namely and its' heavybreathing kid brother http:/ They're both good sources of momentary visual and erotic diversion, but lacking in depth.

  Dear reader, am I capable of depth? am I a mere gibbering dilettante, rolling in pools of my own fluids, my harlequin costume darkly stained as a biscuit bag? Go to my livejournal, where,as davidbuch5, I intend to chronicle the day-to-day life, culinary, vinous, cinematic and even sexual,of a country-inhabitant who is queer as fuck.


Simon said...

I couldn't figure out how to comment on Tumblr. You should only listen to the original mono of BYARM. It has the glorious spin-echo and just generally packs a sonic wallop. Thank you for the comment on my moldering blog. How nice to be remembered! I could understand most of what you wrote. Your writing style has apparently taken a spin-echo toward the oblique, with some Finnegans Wake-ish dream-spelling aspects, unless I just caught you on a Nyquil morning. Are you still typing with one hand? But yes, it's nice to be back in DC's world. We'll see how long I can last this time. How have you been?

david said...

hi Ronnie, I a

david said...

Ronnie, read yr weekold comment this AM. we never discussed telephone conversations but I am eager to talk if it's cool w/you. signed last of the opioid induced MOTORMOUTHS. bye 4 now and madness of XXXs yr scribbler friend OWilde loving david k buch aka