or, when in doubt, post a list.
1. Someone gave me a zucchini the size of an Invasion of the Body Snatchers pod.
2.A friend and I invented hip hop rhyming in 1975, aided by a rhyming dictionary.
3. I have never seen Gone With The Wind.
4.I own a copy of The Wind Done Gone, the revisionist version of the novel.
5. If we wrestle, you'll win.
6. I am afraid to be alone with the zucchini in #1.
7.If you send me a SASE, I'll send you the recipe for that powerful cocktail, the fantod.
8. I have never actually drank a fantod.
9. After waiting for three years for the new Morrissey album, I got around to buying it a couple of weeks ago.
10. I hate it ( not really).
My Sister’s Boyfriend
3 years ago
Hmmm ..... I thought 'hip hop rhyming' began in Kingston Jamaica, with mc's toasting over sound systems, but I could be wrong?
Do not ever tell me the recipe for 'The Fantod' ... sounds like bender fodder for me.
Ahhhh ... benders and black outs .... Tell Me!
hey there, thanks for checking out my pics, that was a great comment! looking over your blog right now, mine is here : http://m-karo.livejournal.com/...
Thank you Michael.
Flit, the secret's safe with me.
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