As a shy type, I am not a natural blogger. I don't feel compelled to show pictures of my pet or significant other, although I've seen some very saucy ones recently. My blog is personal but not terribly autobiographical. If it's the minutiae of everyday life you're after, I'm not your boy. However, just this once, I'll tell the tale of a blogger who got blogged down in his own version of the truth.
When this individual lived with a friend of mine in Baltimore, he sent me a link for his livejournal or whatever he was using at the time. I was surprised to see him describe the house where he rented one small smokefilled room as " my investment property." He posted a photo of himself nude that had been hideously photoshopped to make him the envy of Dirk Diggler.
He inherited some money and bought himself a Vespa, which was eventually stolen but not before it became the love object of a phantom fetishist who jacked off on its' smoothrunning leather seat before dawn each day M-F. He began disappearing regularly and calling. he claimed, from the ICU of various local hospital. He was dying of a rare cancer triggered by recovered memories of witnessing the murder of his older brother in childhood. At last he moved out of my friend's house. I stopped receiving e mails from him.
Two years ago I idly Googled him and found that there was an entire site devoted to the discrepancies, pseudonyms, embellishments and plain damn lies that permeated his various blogs, posted under various names. The photo he displayed of his bf turned out to be a dj photo of a childrens' book author in Texas. He has complained of cancer in nearly every organ of his body and lives camped at death's door much of the time. Unmasking his online personae has almost become a cottage industry in da blogosphere. I suspect that some of these disgrutled folk expressed support, sympathy,etc. on one of his many blogs before smelling a rat. Not nice, Steve, not nice at all.
It's 4:17am, rain and thunder, lukewarm Diet pepsi at my elbow. Isn't reality revolting?
My Sister’s Boyfriend
3 years ago
We have created a living hell we think is modern, it is not.
The late Louis Malle (French Film Director) pointed out in his documentaries that the French were especially good at creating hell. But, right in there is "God's Country" the USA and India who he had a fondness for.
No wonder we go psycho like your friend and the rest of us.
I liked this :D
I'm a sucker for message board/blog detective stuff.
Yeah, the guy burned his way through blogger, tumblr, live journal, MSN pages, typepad, etc. leaving a trail of half truths and whole fictions. Last few times I've heard from hi he's been deathly ill hmm. But I haven't heard from him in months. Maybe the wolf really was in his meadow.
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