Perhaps my request at the end of my last post - my desire to see Morrissey anywhere at someone else's total expense - seemed, hmm, a bit cheeky. Here's what I can bring to the party: the services of the most diverse rentboy in the tristate region ( travel -yes), my own conversational pyrotechnics and other surprises and goodies which are better discussed off the net.
Last night in my driveway I glimpsed a dark unfurling lump rising from the ground. Friends, I'd witnessed an owl skedaddling with its prey. Seconds later I heard hootings in stereo, a duet in the trees. Perhaps my owl was boasting to a friend about the cat or possum he'd just snatched. I suppose it could have been an invitation to lunch, with a discussion of what the guest was expected to bring.
The terrible booty : Last Days dvd, Frank's Wild Years ( Tom Waits cd), old issues of After Dark and Playguy, one roll chocolate Necco wafers. I need to have a personal shopper who will whisper in my ear " My dear, is that really necessary?" I am of Scottish lineage mingled with Irish and English. In my case the Scottish thrift gene was omitted.
To anyone in Houston or Portland - if I appeared at your door unannounced would you invite me to stay for a few days or call the police? Thank you. Go and do good.
My Sister’s Boyfriend
3 years ago
No, I like XTC too just not as much, though I love 'skylarking'.
I mean dukes did such great songs like 'she's a little lighthouse'. Anyways, I added XTC to the list.
Do you like XTC more?
XTC is how the family dresses except on Halloween when they don their Dukes of Stratosphear costumes. I like Chips from the Ghogolate Fireball better than some XTC records ( Go2,Big Express, Nonesuch, Wasp Star) and vice versa.
I read that Andy Partridge will not be releasing anything under the XTC imprimatur until bass player Colin Moulding comes to grips with his weird depression. Apparently CM doesn't even like listening to music these days, let alone making it. A sad condition don't you think?
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